Description: Players take turns as poetry Teacher who must provide inventive excuses for being tardy to their class in order to win the favor of the Student Body. It was made in collaboration with Alina Constantin, Toby Do, and Yunci Guo.
ROLE: Co-Creator (Game Design, Prototype creation)
PLATFORM: Tabletop Card Game
ROLE: Co-Creator (Game Design, Prototype creation)
PLATFORM: Tabletop Card Game
I was a co-designer and creator for this prototype game. I designed cards, playspace, and rules in collaboration with my teammates.

Please Excuse Me! is a competitive excuse making game for 4 players. In Please Excuse me! players inhabit competing professors at a prestigious university, but unfortunately, they’re tardy to their first day of class! To make matters worse, it’s “Add/Drop” week and the student body is threatening to drop classes! Teachers must take turns making excuses to cover up for their tardiness. Teachers must use “Rhyme” and “Reason” to weave their tale, while staying within the constraints of the Student Body’s educational needs. The student body awards points in the form of “Whim” cards to the teacher with the best excuse. In the end, the Teacher with the most “Whim” cards gets to keep their class.